Wednesday 28 September 2016

Code snippets/ purpose of games unit.5

Adobe Animate; 
the purpose of my game is going to be to entertain children and educate them.

In today's lesson I learned to code a shape, the first thing I did was put the square on the stage and selected it then went to the menu screen to find where i can start coding my shape using the 'code snippet' option it opens it up and gives multiple options.
when you open actionscript it gives you many options such as actions, navigation and timelines and animation, these are all different.

 when you add code snippets you can pick multipul things, I could add a script to do different things e.g I could set a scrpt so if i click on the object the object will disapear then if i click again the object with reappear.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! Don't forget to re-read what you have posted. The last sentence stops in mid flow!! Great idea to use screen snaps to show what you are doing. Keep up the good work. Steve


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